Movie Marketing Project

This project was part of the first year of my GCSE Graphic Design course. The brief was to create a Leaflet stand to promote the movie given in Cinemas as well as to create a promotional item that could be sold in stores after the Movie's release. The products were produced using pencil drawings and marker renderings to try and improve our individual hand-illustration skills.
Wall-E was the movie that was chosen for myself, the first stage of the design process was to design a logo for the production to use on both products. 

The initial sketched ideas for potential movie logos

This image shows my initial ideas for background images and
 characters that could be included on the products
Using the sketches shown on the previous pages ideas for layouts of the
promotional item (a stationary set) and leaflet stand were experimented with

The Final Leaflet stand for the Movie. The background and characters were scanned from pencil drawings before being printed onto card and laser-cut to produce a net

The stationary box that was produced with the stand, this was made from a laser-cut grey board net that was then wrapped with the graphics.


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